Center for Prenatal and Perinatal Music, Giselle Whitwell, DoulaImage - Services Header Graphic

"The voice is a light.  If the light becomes dim, it has not gone out; it is there.  It is the same with the voice.  If it does not shine, it only means that it has not been cultivated and you must cultivate it again and it will shine once more."

Hazrat Inayat Khan


Prenatal and Perinatal Music Sessions


Individual Prenatal Music Sessions during Pregnancy

These hourly sessions are tailored to the individual’s needs and desires during pregnancy. The primary focus is to assist the mother with relaxation exercises, bonding with the baby in a nuturing, loving and peaceful environment. The sessions may include grieving for the loss of a previous pregnancy either before or after birth. Frequently, issues of childhood and parent relationships, as well as parenting arise, they need time for resolution, and therefore, it is important to start in early pregnancy to fully prepare for a satisfying outcome. The prenatal sessions serve then as a foundation for a labor, delivery and birth that is harmonious in body and spirit.
Group Sessions by Trimesters
Small groups between four and eight pregnant mothers are most practical. A combination of individual and group sessions is optimal. Each trimester has a different focus of attention according to the developmental stages of the baby in the womb and the comfort of the mother.
Couple or Family Sessions (includes siblings)        
The work with couples deepens their relationship and also prepares them for labor and delivery as a team. Siblings sometimes need special attention to help them work through their feelings in order to adjust to a new family member and finding their new role in the family circle.
Private Home/Hospital Sessions
These sessions are available to mothers when they can’t leave their home or are bed-bound. The latter case applies particularly to women who have high-risk pregnancies and may need to stay in the hospital for a period of time in which case I will travel to their location.
Bereavement Sessions
Sessions to prepare for still birth babies or loss of a baby during pregnancy.
Active Music Therapy for Childbirth
"Music duplicates the prenatal existence of flow and vibration,
always a part of man."  Carolyn B. Kenny, RMT
     Music Therapy Assisted Childbirth has many benefits, aiding mothers in the attainment of a natural birth (most often free of drugs). Music therapy studies and their application have demonstrated that a specially designed music program is effective in relieving pain, assisting with breathing, giving focus to the mind, helping with relaxation and generally enhancing the birth experience and outcome for mothers and babies. Regular practice is required to receive these benefits. The music is selected from the repertoire of the couple and the music therapist. Tapes are customized for practice as well as for the labor and delivery setting. Parents have reported continued use of this music after birth and for relaxation during breastfeeding. In addition, through toning and sounding techniques the voice becomes an instrument of self expression and empowerment allowing the mother to creatively express her feelings during the birth process.


- Clark, M., McCorkle, R., & Williams, S. (1981). Music therapy-assisted labor and delivery, Journal of Music Therapy, 18, 88-100.
- DiCamillo, Mary P., Ph.D. (1999). A bio-psycho-social model of music therapy assisted childbirth: an integrative approach to working with families. Doctoral dissertation, Pepperdine University, CA.
- Gonzales, C. E. (1989). The Music therapy-assisted childbirth program: a study evaluation. Pre- and Peri-Natal Psychology Journal, 4, 111-124.
- Hanser, S. B., Larson, Sh. C., & O’Connell, A. S. (1983). The effect of music on relaxation of expectant mothers during labor. Journal of Music Therapy, 20, 50-58.
- Liebman, S.S., & MacLaren, A. (1991). The effects of music and relaxation on third trimester anxiety in adolescent pregnancy. Journal of Music Therapy, 28, 89-100.
- McKinney, C. H. (1990). Music therapy in obstetrics: a review. Music Therapy Perspectives, 8, 57-60.
Post-Natal Sessions
Post Birth Sessions for Mommy and Baby

The first few weeks after birth are sometimes difficult and mother and baby may need support. These sessions will be nurturing for the entire family.

-  I am available as a Consultant and, as a Facilitator of Workshops.

-  Telephone consultations available.

-  All Services are also offered in Spanish.